David Buscher

Professor of Experimental Astronomy

Portrait photo of me I am Professor of Experimental Astronomy in the Astrophysics Group in the Department of Physics of the University of Cambridge. My research centres on optical and infrared instrumentation for astronomy. For more information see my research and teaching pages and my CV and list of publications.


More details on the EPSRC grant now on this page
I have been awarded (along with Chris Haniff and John Young) a £900k EPSRC grant entitled “Machining metre-sized gratings with nanometre accuracy”. This extends the technology we developed for delay lines in long-baseline optical interferometers to the application of manufacturing the very large gratings needed for high-resolution spectroscopy on the next generation of Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). The ultimate aim is to extend this to arbitrary patterning of 2-dimensional surfaces for ultra-precision manufacturing.
I have been elected as President of the Scientific Council of the European Interferometry Initiative (EII), along with Claudia Paladini (Vice-President) and Karine Perraut (Secretary).

Older news

My book “Practical Optical Interferometry” was published by Cambridge University Press in 2015. Plaudits include:

“… a rare gem of clear and rigorous explanation …” Barry R. Masters, Optics and Photonic News


“… this benefits not only from Buscher’s technical expertise but also from his years of teaching. Practical Optical Interferometry is a wonderful resource that fulfills a long-standing need for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs enticed by the prospects of sub-milliarcsecond spatial resolution.” Harold A. McAlister, The Observatory