Part II Computational Physics

Calendar for 2024

Event Date
First Lecture 10:00 Monday 22nd January
First Practical Class 14:00 Monday 12th February
Last Lecture 10:00 Wednesday 14th February
Last Practical Class 14:00 Friday 8th March
Exercises hand-in 16:00 Friday 15th March
Project hand-in 16:00 Monday 29th April

Course Structure

The course consists of three components: a lecture course, a set of compulsory practical exercises, and an optional project (1 unit of Further Work). The formal details of these modules are available on the relevant course pages on the Teaching Information System (TiS) website. A summary is given below, together with some additional information and links to resources elsewhere.

Lectures take place on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00 in the Lent Term. The lectures will be videoed and the videos will be made available on Moodle. Lecture handouts will appear on the Computational Physics section of the TiS.

Practical classes with demonstrator support will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 14:00-17:30.

The manual for the practical exercises will be available on the Computing Exercises section of the TiS. You can start these as soon as the manual is available. The deadline for the hand-in of exercises is the last day of Lent Term.

You will be able to download the projects manual from the Computing Project section of the TiS. You can choose a project and start as soon as the manual is available - note that you do not need to formally register for a project before you start work. The project deadline is the first Monday of the Easter Term.


Learning Python/Numpy/Scipy/matplotlib

Code examples

Numerical Methods