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Dave Green's addresses and contact details

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Department College
(retired) University Associate Professor in the Cavendish Laboratory (the Department of Physics of the University of Cambridge). Fellow Churchill College.
Office: F30, Battcock Centre for Experimental Astrophysics, on the Madingley Rise Site.
(See also this map for more details.)

Postal Address (including internal UMS):
Astrophysics Group
Cavendish Laboratory
19 J. J. Thomson Avenue
Cambridge CB3 0HE
(Room 6B)
Churchill College
Cambridge CB3 0DS
Telephone: (01223) 337305
University Network: 37305
International: +44 1223 337305
Telephone: (01223) 336154
University Network: 36154
International: +44 1223 336154
Fax: (01223) 363263
International: +44 1223 363263
(Sorry about the pink and maroon, but they are the College colours!)

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