In 2015 May MNRAS released version 3.0 of the LaTeX class file mnras.cls for preparing papers. However, this is mangled in various ways, with the instructions/template provided not being consistent with the mnras.cls file.
So, here is some advice/hints about how to use the MNRAS class file.
Here is what I used at the start of a MNRAS paper.
\documentclass[usenatbib,usedcolumn]{mnras} %==============================================================================% \usepackage[british]{babel} % British English hyphenation \usepackage{newtxtext} % Good fonts \usepackage[slantedGreek]{newtxmath} % " " (slanted Greek) % \let\la=\lesssim % for less than similar from newtxmath, not \la from mnras.cls % \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Good font encoding \usepackage{graphicx} % Including figures % ... \begin{document} ...
\hypersetup{pdfauthor={D. A. Green}, pdftitle={Constraints on the distribution of supernova remnants with Galactocentric radius}, pdfkeywords={supernova remnants, Galaxy: structure, ISM: structure}, bookmarksnumbered=true}This gives useful document properties in the output .pdf (and ensures that sections/subsections are numbered in the navigation table of the contents in the .pdf, which is useful, but is not the default).
If you want to include landscape figures, using the rotating package, then add these lines to the preamble of your .tex file (i.e. before the \begin{document}):
\usepackage{rotating} \makeatletter \let\@makecaption=\SFB@makefigurecaption \makeatother \setlength{\rotFPtop}{0pt plus 1fil} \setlength{\rotFPbot}{0pt plus 1fil}
Then you can use \begin{sidewaysfigure*} ... \end{sidewaysfigure*} to include a sideways figure.
Previously I also provided more advice about how to change several things to make submitting an MNRAS paper to arXiv easier, as arXiv was running a rather old LaTeX implementation, which did not have the newtx font packages. But from early 2017 arXiv has been running more up-to-date versions of TeX Live, that do include newtx, which makes it much simpler to submit a MNRAS paper to arXiv.
Still, I would recommend the following.
\setlength\topmargin{-3pc} \volume{{\rm in press}}to better centre the page vertically on A4 paper and make the header a bit more meaningful.
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